대한내분비외과학회 춘계학술대회
4월 8일
2023년 4월 8일(토), Room A
08:30-10:00 Advanced Technology in Thyroidology 좌장:윤지섭(성균관의대), 김훈엽(고려의대)
1) New nerve monitoring methods 이병주(부산의대 이비인후과)
2) Newly developed Surgical Robots 강상욱(연세의대)
3) New targeted agents in thyroid cancer treatment 김석모(연세의대)
10:00-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-11:50 Management of Post-thyroidectomy Patients 좌장:남기현(연세의대), 정유승(가천의대)
1) Management Skills in medical aspect 김태용(울산의대 내과)
2) Management of post thyroidectomy voice problems 이승원(순천향의대 이비인후과)
3) Other complications in thyroid surgery 김형규(아주의대)
11:50-12:20 총회
12:20-13:20 점심
13:20-14:20 회장 강연 좌장:박용래(성균관의대)
Review of salivary gland surgery - Parotid gland를 중심으로 정종길(여수전남병원)
14:20-15:20 Special Lecture 좌장:김지수(성균관의대)
The use of fluorescent techniques for the detection and preservation of the parathyroid glands decreases the rate of post-thyroidectomy hypoparathyroidism Frederic Triponez
15:20-15:40 Coffee Break
15:40-17:10 Well-Differentiated Thyroid Cancer 좌장:김정한(성균관의대), 윤종호(연세원주의대)
1) Surgical treatment vs. Active Surveillance 김원웅(울산의대)
2) Paradigm Shifting of Extent of Thyroidectomy 최준영(서울의대)
3) Current practice of active surveillance in Korea - Survey 김수영(아주의대)
17:10-18:00 Panel discussion: 학회로 온 엉뚱한 질문들 좌장:장항석(연세의대)
Panelist 김정수(가톨릭의대), 김권천(조선의대)
18:00- 시상식 및 Closing Remark

2023년 4월 8일(토), Room B
08:30-10:00 Oral Presentation 3 좌장:전영산(대구구병원), 박원서(경희의대)
OP-3-1. Does stress influence urine iodine concentration in patients undergone lobectomy? 이정훈(아주의대)
OP-3-2. Estradiol effect between thyroid and breast cancer via blood microbiome 안정신(이화의대)
OP-3-3. Metabolic syndrome as a prognostic factor in papillary thyroid cancer patients 정형은(전북의대)
OP-3-4. Predictive factors for malignancy in patients diagnosed with preoperative follicular neoplasm 정영훈(서울의대)
OP-3-5. Risk factors for structural recurrence in medullary thyroid cancer 박신정(울산의대)
OP-3-6. Effects of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy on anaplastic thyroid carcinoma: A single-center experience 이진석(연세의대)
OP-3-7. Monitoring of circulating tumor cells on papillary thyroid cancer following thyroidectomy: A prospective cohort study 유형원(서울의대)
OP-3-8. Gene expression changes in the microgravity state of korean thyroid cancer cell lines 안종혁(충북의대)
OP-3-9. A pilot study of a new technique to predict the viability of tissues 김우영(고려의대)
10:00-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-11:50 Nurse Session 좌장:김수영(아주의대), 최정범(부산의대)
1) 갑상선 수술 전/후의 갑상선기능검사의 의미 최혜련(을지의대)
2) 다양한 갑상선수술 접근 방법 최정은(영남의대)
3) 갑상선 절제 후 보조치료 강상율(전북의대)